Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Warning - Whiney Post!

Last week was just one of those weeks.  Really long, busy and overwhelming.  So I feel like it deserves a blog of its own…

Miss Molly & Connor last week
Monday – Busy day at the office with a dark cloud hanging out above my head for most of it – tonight we were going to have to say “good-bye” to Connor’s beloved babysitter, Molly.  I picked Connor up that night, tried to snap a cute pic of the two of them together and managed to leave without crying.  We adored Molly and knew Connor was well taken care of when he was at her house.  So it’s sad (but we are happy for her and her new vocational adventure!) and it’s overwhelming because we still don’t have a child care plan for Connor.  But some leads are coming in from friends and colleagues and so far I’ve been able to remain hopeful!

Tuesday – Working from my home office stresses me out quite a lot of the time.  Connor was home with me which just complicates matters more as most of the day I feel like I’m either being a slacker employee or a slacker mom.  All the things I should be getting done today…all the therapies and exercises I should be doing with Connor.  The afternoon brought a PT session for Connor which was good.  The PT was happy with the progress little man made while at Gramma’s and we had a really nice chat about life.  I’m so thankful for Connor’s therapists…they are such kind and wise women.  After PT Connor and I had to go get Clara as she had an emergency dentist appointment for a bruised gum.  Turned out it was nothing to worry about, but still.

Wednesday – Drove to CHOP in the morning for a Neurology appointment.  After waiting in the room for an hour, the doctor finally came in, got all the updates from the last three months and examined Connor…which all took another hour.  She recommended three new consultants to address various concerns and asked me to stick around for a little bit so the CHOP OT could see Connor.  The OT came in, took history (again) and examined Connor (again).  She and neurologist concurred that Connor needs more OT and so recommended he go to a place which is actually only 10 minutes from our house.  We have now been at CHOP for three hours, it’s 2:00 and neither Connor or I have had lunch.  So we head to cafeteria where we both eat and then Connor has a meltdown.  I guess if one of us was going to have one, it is far more socially acceptable for him to scream and cry in public.  Although at CHOP, I think it would have been ok for either of us to do it.
Back in the car for an hour to the new pediatrician’s office to get her to sign paperwork for the orthotist.  I was going to have her sign it at Connor’s 9 month check up, but I had to reschedule that so we could see the Neurologist and couldn’t get another appointment with the pediatrician until August 21.  Quite frustrated with that seeing as though he needs shots and there are things I want to talk to her about that aren’t urgent enough for a sick visit.

Thursday – Bring your baby to work day.  While this, too, tends to stress me out it wasn’t too bad due to my colleagues’ excitement in seeing Connor again.  They all swooned over him and he rather enjoyed it, smiling and babbling appropriately.  Thankful for colleagues who journey with us and are tolerant of baby noises during the work day.  Managed to get a good bit of work done and then headed home.
After dinner I had to scrub the bathroom.  I hate that job.  I hate the smell of the cleaner and I hate how no matter how hard you try, you can never get the shower clean.  I usually manage to pawn it off on Brent as he doesn’t have a sense of smell, but he managed to ignore my hints for long enough that I just did it.  Luckily, Clara thinks cleaning the shower is great fun so she helped me for a while.  I figured it was “Earth friendly” cleaner so it wasn’t going to hurt her either.  I know everyone has to clean their bathroom (or pay for someone else to do it), so you’re probably rolling your eyes and thinking “suck it up, lady” but I’m not going to.  I hate that job and will always complain when I have to do it. :)

Friday – In the car again, this time for a helmet appointment.  Connor got his head rescanned as he’s getting a new helmet. 
Called to make appointments for the new consults only to be told the next appointment isn’t for five weeks.  Now this isn’t surprising, but it just urked me.  And when I called the new OT place by us I was told they weren’t accepting new OT patients, but I could be added to the long wait list.  My other option for the additional OT is to drive to the CHOP outpatient clinic in King of Prussia, about 30 minutes away.  Not sure that is doable once a week as the craziness of my fall schedule kicks into high gear in two weeks.

Realized I'm lacking in pix with Brent, so here's one
of Daddy & Connor together watching the Olympics
So yeah…it was just one of those weeks and I wanted to whine about it.  But I’m feeling ok now. This week is already better  and on Sunday we leave for a few days at the beach which means next week will be great!

In happy news, I’ve learned the Joubert Syndrome & Related Disorders Foundation’s conference is going to be in Minneapolis next summer.  I’m hoping at least Connor and I will be able to go.  I think it will be good to connect with other JS families, hear from the doctors and other presenters and spend some time with Minneapolis friends.

Thanks for reading this whiney post.
I have a page from a phrase-a-day calendar on the bulletin board above my desk that reads "MaƱana sera un dia mejor" (Tomorrow will be a better day).  A good thing to remember when a day or week feels like it's caving in on you.  Thank you, God, for rainbows and promises!