Sunday, August 17, 2014

Whirlwind Summer

It’s hard to believe that the school and program year begins again in just two short weeks.  It’s been a whirlwind of a summer.  I’ve been traveling a lot for work and it feels like (since getting home on Wednesday night from the latest trip) I’m just getting my feet on the ground for summer vacation.

The kids have also been travelers this summer.  They journeyed to North Dakota to spend two weeks with my mom.  Clara reported there were a lot of “stay in your pajamas days”, board game playing, play dates with Aunt Emily, dance parties, badminton and swinging in the back yard and way more fun than we’ll ever know!  My dad was up in ND for a gig and drove over to see us when I went to pick the kids up. I’m so thankful the kids got to spend time with my family over the summer.

Practicing on his Amtryke!
Other than that, Connor’s summer has been spent with Carrie, doing therapies and breaking in a few new teenage babysitters.  I’m trying not to get down about it, but we haven’t seen a breakthrough like I was hoping for this summer.  I REALLY wanted to see significant progress in feeding or communication, but there really hasn’t been any.  So we just keep plugging away and hoping that one of these days he will turn a corner.

One exciting milestone is that Connor can now sit up from lying on his back.  He can do it no problem if there is a little pillow behind him and has done it three times from the ground all the way up.  You can tell he’s very proud of himself!

He is starting to enjoy riding his Amtryke and is keeping his hands on the handlebars more.  Carrie took him to Vacation Bible School at our church and he was pushed up and down the hallway on his little bike.  I’m sure he was quite adorable!

Doing some standing in his new shoes that
go over his DAFO leg braces
We continue with the transition to the Intermediate Unit.  I found out last week that Connor was approved for services (shocking, I know).  Our first IEP meeting is in two weeks and we will make the plan of action then with our case manager.  None of our therapists will be able to continue on with Connor and I’m quite nervous about how he will handle this change.  The IU people are really encouraging us to put Connor in some kind of preschool.  While I would love for Connor to socialize with other kids, I think it would be too many changes at once to start him this fall and I don’t think his therapies would be most effective in a classroom setting.  We’ll see – maybe we can work out a happy medium where he would go a couple of half days each week.

Finally, for those of you who are local, we’d like to invite you to a fundraiser the Minister of Music at our church is doing for the Joubert Syndrome & Related Disorders Foundation.  Vince is performing a solo piano recital on Sunday, November 9 at 3:00 p.m. at Advent Lutheran Church in Harleysville, PA.  We’d love to have lots of folks there to hear Vince’s amazing music and donate to JSRDF!