Monday, April 6, 2020

Catching up - Spring 2020

Well, friends. I made no promises as to the frequency of posts when I started this blog and now it’s been ten months since my last post. I know many of you are curious about Connor’s progress and enjoy these updates, so I will try to post more often.

August 2019 - First day of second and eighth grade

We, like most of you, are living into this new reality of a stay at home order in Illinois. We are faring mostly ok. Clara is babysitting Connor each day while Brent and I work (from home) and is doing a great job with managing most of his distance learning and hers. Connor thinks it’s fun to video call with his teachers and therapists. He is less enthused about doing the assigned work for each day.

Some bullets to share other happenings in the life of Connor the last few months…

*Connor started second grade in August and turned 8 years old in October!

*While he is still having fainting spells periodically, we have been released from the care of the endocrinologist (blood sugar doctor) as they don’t think his episodes are related to blood sugar issues.

Connor's new bike from Easter Seals

*In September, Connor received a special bike from Easter Seals. He’s been using it at school over the winter months, but we are hoping to get it back and start using it outside once the weather warms up.

     *Sadly, Connor has been hit with two stomach bugs and Influenza B this fall and winter. We hope he has better luck with staying healthy in the coming months.

*Connor continues to see three therapists a week at Easter Seals in addition to the therapy he receives at school. I wish I could say he’s making amazing progress each week. It’s slow and steady for sure, but we hold on to hope that all the things we are making him do and learn will one day pay off.

Feeling the princess love
      *Thanks to a work conference I had in Anaheim, the whole family was able to enjoy a few days at Disneyland and the beach. Connor loved the princesses the most at Disney and, even though the water was quite chilly, really enjoyed splashing in the waves.

     *We were supposed to see a surgeon last week for a consult on an eye surgery. That appointment was cancelled, so we are playing the waiting game to see if/when Connor will need another surgery on his left eye.

We are praying for our friends and family that you stay sane and safe during this difficult time. Find joy in the little things!

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