Friday, September 14, 2012


We received some good news – Connor has gained a whole pound in one week!  I guess thickening his formula and baby food is helping! 

We’ve seen five new specialists in the last eight days.  All of them are looking for different reasons why Connor hasn’t been gaining weight like he should and helping us to teach him better form while eating baby food.  Of course, some of their advice contradicts each other and the therapists and specialists we’ve already seen so we’re doing a good amount of parental judgment as to what to try first, what to give up on and what to set aside for another time.  I’m hopeful that because he’s finally starting to gain weight some of these concerns will be behind us soon.

The nurse practitioner on the feeding team we saw thought Connor might be having some reflux issues even though he doesn’t really exhibit symptoms.  So now he’s on medicine for that twice a day.  It’s really nasty and he hates it, but I agreed to give it a try for a few weeks and see if his non-existent symptoms get better…not sure how they/we will gage that, but we’ll see!  The gastrointestinal doctor said from her point of view he looks good and the only additional thing she suggested was that he should eat more prunes. :)

Connor really seems to enjoy himself at Ms Carrie’s house (his sitter).   She has three kids of her own, so after school there are lots of people talking to and playing with him which he really loves! 

Getting so good holding his head up!
Connor is gaining ground with therapies, too.  He’s becoming a rock star at lifting his head while on his belly.  He also started sitting in a Bumbo seat with a Boppy wrapped around him for support.  (Never fear – we are smart enough to not put him in it on a table and then walk away)  Both therapists that see him weekly have commented this month that Connor is really starting to get opinions about what he likes and what he doesn’t like.  He has always been such a chill, go with it little guy and now he’s finally starting to let us know when he doesn’t want to do something.  Makes exercises and stretches a little tougher sometimes but I’m also glad he’s gaining a voice for himself.

The ever-helpful sister assisting Connor with
sitting in the Bumbo
In Clara news, she and the Tooth Fairy are communicating quite frequently these days as she has lost two teeth in the last two weeks and has three more wiggly ones.  She wrote the Tooth Fairy a note last night to include with her tooth and received a fairy size note along with her quarters this morning.  Pretty exciting stuff!  With the recent loss of two more top teeth, one of her grownup front teeth is finally poking through, so she, too, is gaining!

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