Monday, October 1, 2012

Six Month Review

Well, we are done with the reflux medicine – at least for now.  About a week after starting it, Connor began to refuse bottles and food, sometimes only getting half of what he should each day.  The Nurse Practitioner that suggested we go on it said to cut back to once a day which we’ve been doing for a little over a week now and he still is refusing food or bottles sometimes.  He’s also started to cry a lot during meals which doesn’t make mealtime very pleasant for anyone.  I’m not sure if this is all just a coincidence or not, but I decided tonight that we’re going to take a break from the medicine and I’ll talk to the NP this week.

Change is coming with the helmet, too.  The orthotist has ordered him another new one – we’re going back to the clear helmet because she has better control over the pressure points with that one.  The blue one has been leaving a lot of marks on him and a week or so ago he had one that turned into a sore.  Poor buddy!  I was hoping he would be out of the helmet by his first birthday, but that isn’t looking like reality anymore.

Being a ham for the camera
Connor had his six month review with Early Intervention on Friday.  Everyone was so complimentary towards him and happy with his progress.  It is quite amazing how far he’s come in the last six months and really even in just the last three months.  We updated his EI goals and are hoping by his 12 month review in April he is #1 – sitting by himself, #2 – reaching for and engaging cause and effect toys, #3- improving with feeding and has moved on to table foods (Ok, so I add table food part in my head. It’s not a part of his official goal).  It seems like a lot, but if he keeps up the momentum from September I think they are reachable goals.

Current requests for prayers and good thoughts:
  •           An ophthalmologist appointment on Friday that is a post-op check up from his surgery last December.  I think his eye lid is starting to droop again which probably means they will do another surgery sooner rather than later (originally they said when he was five they would have to do it again).  If he needs it, we’ll obviously do it, but I’d really hate to see my lil guy go under the knife again.
  •           For  whatever is making him refuse his food and be crabby during meals to go away.
  •           Our/my schedule for the next six or seven weeks is super crazy – lots of travel, meetings and events.  Need strength and patience for Brent and sanity for me as I try to balance it all.

I feel like I need to blog about Connor’s upcoming birthday.  Have to gather my thoughts a bit more though…maybe in the next week or so.

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