Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Communication is Key

This fall we have focused much of our energy at home, at school and at therapies on finding the most effective device for Connor to use to communicate. We added yet another speech pathologist to the mix – this one at a local hospital who specializes in matching kids with augmentative communication devices. After a couple of appointments trying out different machines with varying degrees of success, we chose one to borrow for five weeks. We took the device home and made some edits to the language program to personalize it for Connor. It was amazing how quickly he learned to use it! In less than a week, he was navigating multiple screens (albeit slowly, but he was doing it!), engaging in question and answer conversation and even telling jokes!

He took it to school and had success there, too. His teacher said having a communication device increased his interaction with his peers quite noticeably. We even got our first “bad” report on Connor from school – evidently all he wanted to do was tell his jokes, not participate in the activities the class was doing. Who would have guessed that kind of report would bring such joy!  Connor had started to find a voice of his own and it was so exciting.

The trial period for that device is over and we are close to deciding which one we will purchase. We are experimenting with alternative access method devices now including one that he activates using eye gaze. The device can tell where he is looking and will say whatever word or phrase he is looking at.  Insurance usually only covers one device every five years so this feels like a huge decision. There are pros and cons to several models, but we need to make a choice soon so we can order it and have it before school is out.

Singing and reading with the preschoolers
In other news…
Connor turned five in October! We celebrated by visiting his preschool to read stories, sing songs and Clara did some of her magic tricks to the amazement of all the kids.

He was Thomas the Tank Engine for Halloween. Brent made a phenomenal costume and Connor loved trick-or-treating.

Thomas the Tank Engine!

We’ve replaced his stander with one that is almost too big for him, but should last us several years.  He really enjoys standing and watching Thomas the Tank Engine or Paw Patrol for a bit every day.

This fall Connor had his first playdate!  A little boy we met at Easter Seals invited him over for playing and a snack.

Using the loaner communication device with
his new hand splint and ring.

Connor’s sporting two new devices on hands. One is a cloth splint he wears on both hands and the other is a little ring like thing he wears on his two index fingers to help him learn how to point. 

We learned at a recent IEP meeting that Connor will be going to our neighborhood school for kindergarten, mostly likely in a general education classroom. Clara is SO HAPPY her little brother will be at her school next year.

We are so thankful for a full fall and are praying that 2017 is filled with more milestones and memories.