Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Only 49 days?

Written February 19, 2018

We’re 49 days into 2018 and it’s felt like a whole year.  There have been more doctor appointments, fun moments, dramatic tears, exhausting days and questions without answers than 49 days can possibly hold.

Connor & Ariel
The good stuff has been really good.  We had a great family trip to Disney World. Outside of a side trip to urgent care for extreme constipation, Connor had an amazing time. He was such a flirt with the princesses they all wanted to take him back home to their castles. He braved a couple of rides, but mostly just loved meeting the characters and seeing the shows.

The drama at home, mostly around Connor and meal times, has escalated to a point where we feel desperate for answers.  We’re waiting for our insurance to approve behavior therapy in hopes that will help.  We’re also considering inpatient treatment and medication. One of Connor’s physiatrists said recently “You all can’t keep going like this” and she’s right. Connor has started scraping the back of his head and pulling his hair when he gets mad. Brent and I are exhausted, frustrated and just emotionally drained after every meal.  And poor Clara just eats as quickly as she can most nights, so she can be excused from the table.  When I took this new job three years ago one of the great things about it was that unless I am traveling, I’m home for dinner. I had these grand visions of what dinner together every night would look and feel like and this is far from it.

Connor had three fainting spells while in his stander last fall and so we have now added cardiologist to the list of doctors we see. He had an eco-cardiogram and everything looks fine with that so there is nothing to indicate his fainting is because of his heart. But then what is it?! We’re following up with a neurologist and making some adjustments to his standing routine to see if that prevents it from happening again.

Weird spots on his cute face
At the end of January, mysterious spots showed up on Connor’s face. After visits to the Minute Clinic, the pediatrician and urgent care resulted in blood work, strep tests, allergy test and measles testing all in one week, everyone’s response was the same – “We don’t know. It’s probably a virus.”  Super helpful. The spots didn’t seem to be contagious or to really bother him, so we just lived in the tension of not knowing why these spots are on his face (and nowhere else on his body). Now after three weeks they are starting to fade, and I hope will be gone soon.

In January at a pediatrician checkup, blood work showed that Connor’s kidney levels are a little off. Kidney issues are often a part of Joubert Syndrome, so the pediatrician recommended we follow up with a pediatric nephrologist.  Of course, there weren’t any appointments for seven weeks, so we go to see this new doctor in a week or so.

See? A lot in only 49 days.
Here’s hoping the next 49 are uneventful.