Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Fall and Winter Update

A general update for you from this fall and winter...

With the birthday boy at Big Bowl
Connor turned 7 in October! We celebrated in a few different ways. Connor chose to go to Big Bowl for his birthday dinner. Gramma was in town and that’s always fun. He and his friend, Alyssa, went swimming at the pool and then she came over for cake and ice cream.  He was very cute opening her gift and I’m so glad he could have a little “party” with one of his friends.

We have continued to see a pediatric endocrinologist after Connor’s hospitalization this fall. They ran more tests, took more blood and then at the end of November the doctor released Connor from his care.  He thought it was just a freak thing caused by the cold virus. Unfortunately another episode (this time very low blood sugar), took us back to the ER right before Christmas and back into the care of now two endocrinologist.

7 years old!
Connor is continuing to go to ABA therapy each afternoon. We haven’t seen much improvement in the last several months and I’m starting to wonder if it’s still worth it.  He’s so tired from his four hours at school that by the time he gets to ABA, he really doesn’t have much left in his tank. They would like for us to do two full days at ABA and then three days at school, but we can’t swing that with the bus schedule and transportation needs.

For over two years, Connor’s physical therapist at Easter Seals has been working with him an adaptive bike. This fall, Connor has finally figured out how to get all his little muscles firing and move the bike on his own. He chooses not to do it every time he’s on the bike, but several times now he has pedaled down the hallway by himself. Progress!

Loves taking selfies with sissy
We are beyond grateful for the response to the GoFundMe my sister and my friend set up. Brent and I have both cried several times – simply overwhelmed by the love and support from our community near and far. Thank you.
Current requests for prayers and good vibes include less tantrums at breakfast and fewer refusals at school.