Thursday, June 21, 2012

Plodding Along

New eye patch
Today Connor had an ophthalmology appointment at CHOP and his doctor said it was time to try an eye patch to strengthen his left eye.  The last couple of months, we’ve noticed his left eye drifting up and in pretty significantly. So now Connor is sporting another new apparatus for a few hours each day.

Lifting and holding his head up!
We’re currently about 36 hours into a mom-imposed helmet ban as I think he was getting a pressure sore in one spot and possibly bruising on another.  We’ll see what the orthotist says when I talk to her tomorrow. 

Connor continues to improve in many areas thanks to his therapies.  It’s slow progress…very slow.  But we try to stay encouraged that he’s moving in the right direction for the most part.  He’s doing much better holding his head up and steady and seems more interested in lifting his head when lying down.

One big frustration for me in the last two weeks is Connor’s eating.  He’s always liked his bottle and started on cereal and baby food at a normal age.  While he doesn’t have a problem getting food down, he’s doing it wrong.  He sucks the baby food down like he’s sucking on a bottle – and keeps his mouth open the whole time.  Gross and messy.  The OT is trying to correct it, but the techniques she’s given us to try don’t seem to be working.

Current prayer requests and good thoughts wishes include an appointment in two weeks with a new specialist (neuro muscular orthopedist) to make sure the popping in Connor’s neck is nothing to worry about, continued positive responses to physical therapy, progress with his feeding and that the patch does the trick to strengthen his left eye.


  1. Molly, you and Brent are such powerful role models! I feel blessed to know you and have the opportunity to read these blogs. The way you both have kept His perspective throughout all these circumstances is inspiring. Praying for you all<3

  2. Count on me to keep the prayers coming!

  3. Molly and Brent...You two are such an inspiration!! We love you!

  4. when my mom was battling cancer, i did a needle point that said life by the yard is hard, life but he inch is a prayers are with you every inch of the way.

  5. Steps in the right direction! Good news. Continued prayers for you, Brent and Connor for the challenges and frustrations you're facing. You're amazing parents and God is with you. Much love to you all.
